Thursday, March 27, 2008


So like any 11 year old dork in the 80's i had a Commodore 64. I never really did anything useful besides play Ghosts and Goblins and yes, LEARN HOW TO MASTURBATE!!!!
I got this game where you use a joystick(appropriate) to jack off this 8-bit penis.
I didnt buy it. It was a loan from a friend. Weird huh? Wy would that be up for borrowing? "Here dude! check out this floppy disk!" It didnt happen like that but you get the picture.
Well one thing led to another and the rest is Kleenex history. Why would I bring up such a subject you ask? Well I came across these vids of the mighty C64 and thought to myself, If I was any
smarter I could have been doing shit like this instead of playing with myself! Dumbass....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, so THAT's what 'Kimberly Clark' was about...