So these last couple of days have been fucking nutz. Ill go into it later. Not bad nutz, just crazy nutz! So I leave you with Sasha G...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
So like any 11 year old dork in the 80's i had a Commodore 64. I never really did anything useful besides play Ghosts and Goblins and yes, LEARN HOW TO MASTURBATE!!!!
I got this game where you use a joystick(appropriate) to jack off this 8-bit penis.
I didnt buy it. It was a loan from a friend. Weird huh? Wy would that be up for borrowing? "Here dude! check out this floppy disk!" It didnt happen like that but you get the picture.
Well one thing led to another and the rest is Kleenex history. Why would I bring up such a subject you ask? Well I came across these vids of the mighty C64 and thought to myself, If I was any
smarter I could have been doing shit like this instead of playing with myself! Dumbass....
I got this game where you use a joystick(appropriate) to jack off this 8-bit penis.
I didnt buy it. It was a loan from a friend. Weird huh? Wy would that be up for borrowing? "Here dude! check out this floppy disk!" It didnt happen like that but you get the picture.
Well one thing led to another and the rest is Kleenex history. Why would I bring up such a subject you ask? Well I came across these vids of the mighty C64 and thought to myself, If I was any
smarter I could have been doing shit like this instead of playing with myself! Dumbass....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So I spent the day trying to write a song to present to the guys tomorrow night. I recorded a very interesting(to me anyway)piece of music but for now im stuck! Well, stuck on what to do next. It has a drone from my sk-1 going and a moog line. I recorded a bass line, drums and a guitar part. It all sounds good together but cursed my lame mind because I think it needs more. Im going to just leave what I've done today and work on it tomorrow. I went for my walk around Evergreen C and it was a killer! I didnt stretch before and on my second lap I felt like puking vomit. But I kept on! So with that, I end Hump Day......
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Queen Latifah for Jenny Craig eh?? My friend Zandra had told me one day over beers that she would do her( you know hypothetically) and then I said I wouldnt. She said I "SOOO" would then thought about it and told her I thought she was hot in Bringing Down The House. Laughs ensued and yeah..she's with Jenny C.....

Well today will involve moving box's and getting my hands all dusty. Thats right, BAGATELLE TUEDAY!!!! I havent been there in a real long time. It's a great vinyl store in long beach that has so many jems. So Yonkers and I are heading out. Oh! the cappuccino made these cute chicks for Easter. Some did not survive but the one's that did go down in pastry history. La Mascota eat yr heart out!

So Max and I are searching the U-tube and he turned me on to this classic footage. Enjoy and learn noobs!
Monday, March 24, 2008

Day one of my spring break and Im a big fan of the KTLA morning news broadcast. We'll now they have this new format with the three hotties of the cast. And so they are going for a "View" type thing and I dont like it! It was great before. It was relaxed and the guest would just hang. Now Kriski,Rueben and the other dude are gone. People just like to fuck with things that work. I used to watch many years ago the channel 11 morning news. When it started Steve Edwards would sit in this little arm chair and do the stories in front of a big screen and do the stories from there. The annoying vixen and the frog in the throat chick didnt come in till later. As I watch this broadcast it just leaves me with the question where is my beloved Sara Purcell??
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter all! Well the Die Rockers Die show was fucking heavy. It was a this veeeeerryy small place called L'Keg. I guess the EchoPlex is around the Corner from there. It was my first time seeing them and it floored me. I caught the last bit of The Rolling Blackouts. Their drummer is a fucking monster! Great band. So it was nice to see all the mutuals, Healthies,Manhattans,Broken kilo's, Don, Hollows, Transmissions, National Treasure. I forgot the camera so no pics. After all that rad we went to Rudy and Graham's Black Diamond Party. First of all, its fucking packed! If you havent been to a party there, its kinda like Mount Washington's own Studio 54.
But my other take on it was the whole mall part of Dawn of the Dead. Going out of the "VIP" room for a smoke was a pain in the ol balloon knot. Very cool and very drunk zombies just out having a good time. And Im not going to lie, I was one of those zombies too.....
Its late...
The Die Rockers were not at Echo Curio. My mistake, they were at Le Keg. The show was fucking great! Ill go into it tomorrow. night!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Im waiting for the lady to get ready. Im ahead 3 vodka/soda waters and we are off to see die rockers die at echo curio. Should be grand! Tell you more about it tomorrow.
So I decided to make a blog. Im a bit foggy on the whole thing but Ill get the hang. So let's start with my "TWENTY YEAR LIST". My friend Sed and I came up with this list. Songs that you go 20 years without hearing. My top ten goes like this....
1. Black Magic Woman. (If you have ever been to any bar in the Pico /Whittier area you know why)
2. Tainted Love. (You know, theres just so many time you can hear that song growing up)
3. Hotel California. (Jesus i just dont have to go into it!)
4. Rock the Casbah. ( Its not even that great of a song????)
5. Just Cant Get Enough. (Love DM but ive had enough.)
Im gonna stop now. Im getting bored and I cant think of any more. Bye....
1. Black Magic Woman. (If you have ever been to any bar in the Pico /Whittier area you know why)
2. Tainted Love. (You know, theres just so many time you can hear that song growing up)
3. Hotel California. (Jesus i just dont have to go into it!)
4. Rock the Casbah. ( Its not even that great of a song????)
5. Just Cant Get Enough. (Love DM but ive had enough.)
Im gonna stop now. Im getting bored and I cant think of any more. Bye....
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