Just took Winston for a walk. The evening is really cool and the skyline lights look like they are amplified through a reverb tank. Today went without flaws. Went to the library with some students of mine. But the start of the day is not without it's trials. None the less, armed with coffee and less than a half a tank of gas I make it to work and I knock the shit out of the work day. I will also add another song to the "TWENTY YEAR LIST" list. Don't judge, you know its over played....... Great footage though :P
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The 09/10 school year update.
Yes last post was in June. A lot has occurred. some things worth mentioning, most not. On the band front Black Kites met it's demise this Summer. It ended in a sad and hopeful manner. All luck goes out to all involved. I was playing with friends for a B-day party back in early August. It was fun,intense and drenched in booze the whole night. So now I've been recording music for a band that is not yet off the ground. The name Lost Lake caught my eye after a very nice gent from a gear forum I frequent posted it in a title of a thread he started. Well after a very fast vacation and a couple of practices its been proven that there is some potential. Again this is just to update the blog. It's going to be a goal of mine to keep it up more than I have. So to tide you over till the next post here's a link!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Help out Pehrspace!

It looks like Pehrspace falls in the "Too good to be true" category. Noise complaints from the neighborhood and visits from the cops have forced the good people of the venue to start looking at other place to put on shows. Here is the official word from Pehrspace....
Hi Everyone,
pehrspace has been receiving noise complaints from neighbors these past few weeks and Officer Ford (via Eric Garcetti's office) visited us last Friday to give us a very polite, but stern, warning about controlling our sound levels for our shows. With the addition of L'Keg to the neighborhood (we welcome the company!), our neighbors are experiencing a new wave of sound intrusion into their homes and extra people in the streets so their patience is probably wearing as thin as it did when we first opened three years ago.
pehrspace experienced our first police shutdown this past weekend (sorry Officer Ford) and, a few weeks back, one of our promoters received a complaint directly from a neighbor during one of our weekday shows. As a result, we will be relocating all of our weekday shows to other spaces with the same DIY mindset and outside promoters will no longer be able to host events at the space unless one of us directly associated with pehrspace is present that particular night. This will take effect immediately and last until our neighborhood status is in good standing once again. Sean Carnage has received several offers to relocate his Monday night show. He will be at Women (1852 Crenshaw Blvd.) tonight.
We will continue to host shows and events on Fridays and Saturdays with heightened awareness for noise levels in the parking lot and within the space. Recently, both L'Keg and pehrspace have been working with Eric Garcetti's office to obtain permits for future (and sorta exciting) big events so we are asking our contacts at the office how to ameliorate our neighbors' view of the spaces. Just ONE more noise complaint can shut us down.
Officer Ford has noted and appreciated our efforts to soundproof pehrspace and it works really well, but absolute soundproofing isn't effective when our doors are left open or if the music is unusually loud during a performance. We have also been pretty laidback about parking lot/outside noise and this may have added to our neighbors' annoyance.
Please, if you or your friends attend any shows at both venues, be aware of your noise levels when walking through the neighborhood and when you're outside of our spaces. It's simple, respect our neighbors. If you notice any wild behavior, let us know and we'll take care of the situation. We really enjoy the spirit of our events and the community that we've built together throughout the years--it would be a shame to have to stop because of those few who lack awareness and respect for others.
p.s. please spread the word. thank you.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Kraft Janet??
I had a Youtube attack tonight and I was watching vids from PJ Harvey,Kool and The Gang. Then jumped to Michael Jackson then Janet came up. Then I remembered this one song of hers that I liked when it came out. I thought it had a Kraftwerk thing to it. It took me forever to find it but here it is. This is so retarded :)Then the big hoops of Ms. Watley <3 LOL!
Monday, April 6, 2009

My first Day of spring break has led to a bike ride and some cleaning around the house. This video however just stopped me in my tracks. I agree with what a fellow Haunting Mids member said, It does look like the intro of The Cosby Show LOL!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So driving down to San Diego this past Saturday D and I were listening to 93.9. It's a station that plays nothing but 80's and late 70's hits. As we past the giant boobs parked at San Onofre 
we are subjected to the tired, hopeless whines of OMD's "If you leave" song from Pretty In Pink. Every time I hear this song It just reminds me that Hugh's fucked up what could have been one of the best nerd gets hottie endings ever! Blane was such a shit eater and Andie fell for it! OK,OK I'm over it....
Another song that threw itself on the 20 year list for me was "Brass in Pocket" by my much loved Pretenders.
Great song yes but It's one of the reasons why the 20 YEAR LIST was started. I've heard it just one too many times. I was telling D that around 1993 I heard a version of it done by Suede on Rodney's show. If you think the original is sexy you have to hear Brett croon and slither those lyrics over the slowed down haunting rhythm. I heard it only that one time. I've been told it was released on a comp called Rubytracks or something like that. It's out of print of course but the version is out there in interwebz space. Hunt it down!

we are subjected to the tired, hopeless whines of OMD's "If you leave" song from Pretty In Pink. Every time I hear this song It just reminds me that Hugh's fucked up what could have been one of the best nerd gets hottie endings ever! Blane was such a shit eater and Andie fell for it! OK,OK I'm over it....
Another song that threw itself on the 20 year list for me was "Brass in Pocket" by my much loved Pretenders.
Great song yes but It's one of the reasons why the 20 YEAR LIST was started. I've heard it just one too many times. I was telling D that around 1993 I heard a version of it done by Suede on Rodney's show. If you think the original is sexy you have to hear Brett croon and slither those lyrics over the slowed down haunting rhythm. I heard it only that one time. I've been told it was released on a comp called Rubytracks or something like that. It's out of print of course but the version is out there in interwebz space. Hunt it down!
I was blessed with the return of my much loved Fender Twin Reverb.

Its a crazy story that you can read here http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2254404
So now I'm selling this beast here.

Its a Fender Dual Showman Reverb. This is a 1968 first year model with aluminum "drip" edge. When I got it I don't think the chassis was ever taken out. This amp looked like it was gigged for a while then put away never to see a stage in years. I bought it off EBay and luckily the seller was relatively close proximity so I went to go pick it up with my good friend Mike. It was then taken to my friends at Future Music and was serviced by the resident tech. It was used in the studio for the recording of two Black Kites tracks. The sound of this head is pure Fender clean tone. The reverb on this one is sooooo nice! Damp cave sounds emmit when you dial in the reverb at 5. Scary and beautiful all at once.I don't need two amps and Im also trying to find another drum kit. Well, I found one but I need the money for it. So if you know anyone who needs an amp let them know. I'd like to do a local pick up thing too because I do not want to ship this thing. It's a pain in the ass >:(
Its a crazy story that you can read here http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2254404
So now I'm selling this beast here.

Its a Fender Dual Showman Reverb. This is a 1968 first year model with aluminum "drip" edge. When I got it I don't think the chassis was ever taken out. This amp looked like it was gigged for a while then put away never to see a stage in years. I bought it off EBay and luckily the seller was relatively close proximity so I went to go pick it up with my good friend Mike. It was then taken to my friends at Future Music and was serviced by the resident tech. It was used in the studio for the recording of two Black Kites tracks. The sound of this head is pure Fender clean tone. The reverb on this one is sooooo nice! Damp cave sounds emmit when you dial in the reverb at 5. Scary and beautiful all at once.I don't need two amps and Im also trying to find another drum kit. Well, I found one but I need the money for it. So if you know anyone who needs an amp let them know. I'd like to do a local pick up thing too because I do not want to ship this thing. It's a pain in the ass >:(
Thursday, March 12, 2009
It's been a while since I posted. I've been kinda busy with the every day blah. Anyhoo I was telling a friend about an old Porky Pig cartoon called "The Last Dodo". It's one of the funniest cartoons I remember from my childhood. It gave me a reason to post something short,sweet and hilarious!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hello, Yeah.....
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today I got word that Indie has pulled the plug on terrestrial broadcast. It's pretty sad to me because my morning listening was Joe Escalante. His brand of "morning zoo" was nothing of that. Wino Wednesday, the sports report with Timothy Olyphant. Cryptic weather reports from David Lynch. Lazy but funny traffic with Jose Galvan and cool voice news from Liz Warner. Another blow from this loss was local music show Check 1-2. A lot of bands from LA got a ton of support from Mr. Shovel. Rollins show was so great too. I'm going to miss it in the car. But as I type this, I'm streaming the station. It was weird hearing on my way home this almost doomsday like message loop telling listeners about the news. I'll miss it.

But thank God for KXLU. I was listening to whats growing to be my favorite show "Part time punks". Today the dj Michael Stock was paying tribute to uber-influential label Factory Records. Right before my run walk/run at Evergreen Cemetery, he read one of the last ever written letters by Ian Curtis. While he was reading it, it kinda seemed like he was choked up by the content. The fact that it was the last ever communication from this very talented young man, to who I think was his lady on the side. Whatever he was feeling, you don't hear radio like this just anywhere. After he read the letter he played a demo of Joy Division doing one of my all time favorite songs "Ceremony". I turned off the radio and went for a walk around a very apt place of scenery. Well when I got back in the car I heard him say that this Sunday night Part Time Punks will have a Factory Records night at the Echo. It's my B-day weekend and I have Monday off so I think I will get all moody and reflective and go listen to some great music and have my share of drinks. Hope to see you there!
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