MOSPEADA.I was going over the gigs we did on Myspace the other day. We played A LOT! Some months had like 3 shows booked. We recorded an e.p. that pretty much fell on deaf ears. The people who did get though had kind words to say and I'm glad you enjoyed it. We went to San Diego, Modesto(OH GOD)and Oxnard. We had a song on a very cool comp with some others friends of ours on Itunes. But what's more important, is the friends we made while playing in the LA area. All the gigs were fun but I'd have to say the MOSPEADA practices were my favorite. The freedom of just trying any musical idea. The drink/smoke breaks which involved so many laughs and the occasional lighting a fart on fire from someones butt just holds a special place in my heart. We're broken up as people know but memories, you know how they work:BEST/WORST.

MUSIC. I don't have too many favorite bands for '08. I found myself listening to friends bands more than major/indie bands out there. I loved The Miles Approach ep. Their live shows were just as great! The trio work so well together and the vocals have that great boy/girl counter action going on. Awesome! The Hectors ep was great too. Their guitar tones are like neon icicles moving around at 100 miles an hour. Lead singer Corrine's vocals wrap around the sound and kicks it right in the ass. Wonderful band!
Noise/Gaze favorite's Guppies blew me away EVERY TIME live! The gentle yet ferocious sides of the band get me right here(points to heart). I was lucky enough this year to watch them lull the late night airwaves of KXLU. Also play host to a practice here at my own home. A great and drunk marathon of a day! The Health Club continued to burn every stage they played on and started to expand on their minimalist/maximilist take on punk. As far as the big bands go Black Mountain and Animal Collectives albums were top for me. I had more drunk nights with Strawberry Jam on my Ipod, but Black Mountain's In the future turned me on to some beautiful heavy riffs and angel/sultry vocals from Amber Webber. I know I'm missing stuff but anyone who has partied with me during this year knows what I love to put on when I get wasted :P BEST.

ME. When MOSPEADA ended I was in a funk and didn't really know what was next. But as things turn out in life, I was then asked to join Black Kites. It was a welcome invitation because I've been a fan of their's for quite some time. I was able to take a break from thinking about and trying to push my own vehicle. The first month and a half was not easy. A gig in Modesto led to my prized Jaguar and Twin Reverb being stolen out of our car. It was a brutal feeling to take on. But my new band mates helped me get back to where I was before. We played some more shows and just recently recorded two songs that will be on our debut album. Hope is all I can have:BEST.

PETS. Well as I posted before on here, I had a hard time with a rescue in the summer and I still think about her often. But just last month I was blessed with another character. I found him at my work in Whittier. If I wasn't going to take him they were going to call the pound. I had to take him. It's been a month now with him and he is one of the coolest dogs I've had the pleasure of knowing. He's so loving. He kinda reminds me, well, of me. LOL!:BEST.
RECORDING. For the past two and a half months I've been recording with my good friend Alex. The sessions have been really liberating in a sense that there is no pressure, rush or expectations. He's written music that is a weird cross between surf,psychedelic and noise rock. We've been collaborating on sounds and ideas and the results fucking rule. We asked our friend Max to lay down some Acetone organ on the tracks. His attack at the music was fresh which added even more to the fun:BEST.
So next year in a matter of hours, who knows what's gonna happen. I'm hoping for the best.