Today I got word that Indie has pulled the plug on terrestrial broadcast. It's pretty sad to me because my morning listening was Joe Escalante. His brand of "morning zoo" was nothing of that. Wino Wednesday, the sports report with Timothy Olyphant. Cryptic weather reports from David Lynch. Lazy but funny traffic with Jose Galvan and cool voice news from Liz Warner. Another blow from this loss was local music show Check 1-2. A lot of bands from LA got a ton of support from Mr. Shovel. Rollins show was so great too. I'm going to miss it in the car. But as I type this, I'm streaming the station. It was weird hearing on my way home this almost doomsday like message loop telling listeners about the news. I'll miss it.

But thank God for KXLU. I was listening to whats growing to be my favorite show "Part time punks". Today the dj Michael Stock was paying tribute to uber-influential label Factory Records. Right before my run walk/run at Evergreen Cemetery, he read one of the last ever written letters by Ian Curtis. While he was reading it, it kinda seemed like he was choked up by the content. The fact that it was the last ever communication from this very talented young man, to who I think was his lady on the side. Whatever he was feeling, you don't hear radio like this just anywhere. After he read the letter he played a demo of Joy Division doing one of my all time favorite songs "Ceremony". I turned off the radio and went for a walk around a very apt place of scenery. Well when I got back in the car I heard him say that this Sunday night Part Time Punks will have a Factory Records night at the Echo. It's my B-day weekend and I have Monday off so I think I will get all moody and reflective and go listen to some great music and have my share of drinks. Hope to see you there!