So I'm playing with Black Kites. Very nice people who I met playing shows with Mospeada. I was asked to join them playing additional guitar. We've been practicing for about a week and a half. It's been a real different approach for me. I'm now asked to try sounds. Filling in space and creating space. I feel like it's making me a better player. Working with four other people makes you play a certain way. In a good way though. You have to listen and harness the energy. We've had about five or six practices and the outcome of that time was displayed at the ultra hot(temperature wise and hip) Echo Curio Friday night. I was nervous, like I hadn't played a show ever but you know, once you get up there blah...blah..blah I felt comfortable. Did I fuck up? Sure! but not in a ugly way. Just some fumbles here and there. The most important thing was the feel and energy we put out. That's what made it feel/sound good. Here are some pics and I hope to see you at one of our shows!
Thanks to Darlene C and Scott MKF for documenting the night!
Haven't really had time to update the page. It's been nuts all with MOSPEADA ending and everything else life throws at us. This weekend was very cool though. Friday started with watching the 88 Boadrums performance at The La Brea Tar Pits. I hadn't seen them in a real long time. We had got there like 10 minutes late but got a lucky Kojak and got a good spot to watch the show.
Saturday I just relaxed and got ready to see The Hectors, Health club and others at the Highland Park music festival. I stopped off at Future Music to say hello to Jack. Well from what I caught of the bands it was all very cool. Friends came over after and a small jam that included use of drums, a Casio SK-1, bass, drums and clarinet. It was a good time! I got all of 4hrs sleep and hung and had a nice Sunday evening. I'll post some more interesing stuff(or try to)later this week.